First brass rings girl get when she completes five years. After completing 10 years her rings count is going up.
Adult women wear about nine kilograms of rings all the time without a break.
Nobody knows about the roots of this practice. According to some people it comes from a time where the tigers were around the villages which were attacked their victims mostly in the neck. Thick metal rims have to guard against the teeth of a tigers. According to other people rings were intended to ensure wife fidelity. In the case of treason they was taken off from the neck which underwent fracture under the weight of the head. To this day when the researchers must remove the rims from one of the Padaung women then she is in mortal danger of twisting the neck. Hence, during such operations the head at least two persons.
Recently performed X-rays showed that the result of long neck is a lowered clavicle under the weight of the rings.
Feet binding
Feet binding initially was used in girls from higher social classes, which are not required to perform heavy physical work - it was a determination of social status. Over time it was adopted among the lower social classes.
In China short foot was a symbol of refinement and they provide a good marriage for the owner.
At the beginning of the twentieth century people began to strongly criticizing it due to the fact that this habit was mutilated women and was carrying a lot of suffering.
Now it is completely prohibited. The last generation of women who have been subjected to feet binding almost completely gone in China.
Further information: go to wiki
Cranial deformation
The reasons for performing cranial deformation are varied. A prominent hypothesis is that deformation was performed to signify group affiliation. Or it may have been done to demonstrate elite status.
Head flattening, also called head binding, head shaping or head moulding, is the app
Further information: go to wiki
Breast ironing
It is a flattening a young girl's breast process by piece of wood or stone heated in the fire when they starts shaping. For what? – “To protect young girls from men's eyes and save them to early sexual intercourse” - the hangman’s words.
This practice is widespread in Cameroon where it affects at least 26% of girls at the time of its coming into puberty.
Further information: go to wiki
Female circumcision - female genital mutilation (FGM)
However female circumcision is a ritual that is both very strange and frightening.
In the world is alive 130 million of circumcised women and 2 million of women are circumcised per year.
1. Excision of the foreskin clitoris and partial or total excision of the clitoris.
2. Excision of the clitoris along with the foreskin and the inner labia.
3. Excision of the entire genital and stitching the vagina.
4. Includes a diverse range of practices, such as pricking the clitoris with needles, burning or scarring the genitals as well as ripping or tearing of the vagina.
In contrast to male circumcision, female circumcision is considere
Below is trailer of “Desert flower” – true story about a woman who has experienced this.
go to youtube.com to get proper view
Further information: go to wiki
What do you think about that? Do you know something about similar cases in Polish history?
I saw feet binding when I was in china. I don't know any case of body modification practice in Polish culture.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion we shouldn't judge other cultures. Do you think that our culture is better than Their?
most of the people who are commenting saying don't judge these cultures were judging the people in the article for body modification part 2, there is NO difference all of you are hypocritical and ignorant.
DeleteWell I have never heard of similar cases in Polish history.
ReplyDeleteI don’t want to judge other cultures but to me these rituals are, no less than, awful and strange. After all each human being deserves to live with dignity and that kind of body modification should be done with agreed of body’s owner. Actually instead of asking people which culture is better, the question we should ask is “Are you able to lose part of you (arm, leg, pe*is?!) in the name of tradition, religion or any other stupid reason?”
Krzysztof – I do not wanted to achieve this by this post. I only wanted to give some strange habits, but my answer to your question would be: I do not think that our culture is better than Their, but I am opposed to body mutilation. As s4504 said – it should be done with agreed of body’s owner. I know that the world is a culturally diverse but I think that this is a kind of enslavement of the people similar to slavery. In my opinion everyone should have the right to choose.
ReplyDeleteWell all these rituals are based on some primitive unrational beliefs so for me it shows that these cultures have much to learn.
ReplyDeleteThose are really horrible habits. Although it's fascinating how their bodies adapted to such unnatural conditions.
ReplyDeleteI agree that none of this should be performed without the will of body's owner.
It's a complex topic and simple at the same time. It's complex because culture differences aren't easy. Each differ because of the history of a region, religion etc. But it's also simple, because such circumsision seems to be a horror for woman. I'd like that this procedure wouldn't exist and I think that by education such practises can be suppressed.
ReplyDeleteAll this procedures are terrible not because of effects they bring, but because are forced on children which have to deal with them for the rest of their lives. In Polish history and today also, we have boy circumcision practiced in some families.
ReplyDeleteI think it's something insane. How people can deform their bodies in such way. If this brass rings will broke, they will twist their necks, because they don't have neck muscles.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible!! Although terrible doesn't describe my feeling after I watch that...
ReplyDeleteI hope that in Poland something like this never occurred!!
most of the people who are commenting saying don't judge these cultures were judging the people in the article for body modification part 2, there is NO difference all of you are hypocritical and ignorant.